Thoughts and words of a dreamer, and an aspiring online writer.

Grading Teachers

Image source:

Reaction and entry inspired by the article of Rick Green.

The role of the teacher is important to me because I used to be someone who hated going to school. I stubbornly repelled from bulky memorizations, quizzes and exams. It took years before I enjoyed learning. Through experience and time, I was able to analyze and comprehend teachers. How their methods in academics can have so much power and impact, not only making the students learn but also making them grow and make a difference in their lives.

Certainly, we have encountered mundane teachers who enter the classroom and relied most of the hour reading and paraphrasing the subject reference book. Then would have high guts to dare a quiz he himself cannot answer without looking at the book. But there are also teachers who come to class with just the attendance, talks, even cracks a joke or two to enliven the students, fills the board from end to end with notes. I am struck with awe and I give high regard and respect to those teachers. There are also some whose subjects are simple, yet their method is so complex – PE or Home Economics for instance. They ask for term papers and interviews, you put so much time and attention for a minor subject. Then the teachers whose subjects are important such as Math and Science, teach us in simplest systems; lesson – quiz – lesson/review – test. The most wanted teachers are those who can converge learning and playing. They come up with educational challenging games that turn boring lessons to exciting ones.

In Rick’s column, I agree in his protest because their manner of deciding is obviously biased and unfair. It is reasonable to create a balanced analysis for a just outcome. A simple grade or score card for each teacher is a more acceptable way to decide. Thus, there will be less complaints because a study was done for the result. The criteria for analysis are:
- test result for their subject qualification
- rate of students passing per year
- student evaluation
- tardiness, attendance, and school involvement.

Lay-offs are serious moves. You cannot just choose who will stay or who will go as if you’re playing darts or literally taking the rotten apples of the basket. Especially if you’re in public office, where you give importance to your reputation and how people respect you.

My thoughts on- Story/Fiction Writing

During my late grade-school and high-school years, our school trained us on creative writing. I never knew I would miss it this much as I do today. It should have been a habit I carried on. Nevertheless, I can still try and as of now convey my thoughts on story/fiction writing.

I believe it starts with a one-line gist:
- a young lady tourist bumps her head in a foreign land and gets amnesia, then falls in love with a resident who helps her find her identity.
- a murderer’s adventure to be one step ahead from authorities then what careless move puts him behind bars.
- an ill-stricken patient’s journey from knowing his terminal diagnosis to serving as an inspiration for a well lived life.
Anything ordinary and normal twisted and turned, disturbed and destroyed, then fixed and developed producing growth, lessons, and finally a positive outcome.

For the writer there is a movie, a scene, a picture in his mind and the first set of sequence of events gets formed. He begins with the exposition of the story.
- the lady browses the travel brochure and pack, and the resident commutes to work as his daily routine.
- the victim hurts the killer’s ego, or resembles someone from his disturbed past, the killer studies the move of authorities by being a cop himself or by helping another victim.
- the patient lives a life as if tomorrow will always be there; becomes frugal and saves, did nothing but work, hardly communicated with anyone.

So the early half of the story easily transforms from the writer’s imagination to words on a document. Then it evolves and grow from there. With the continuous flow of creativity, the writer follows a backbone and study for the story to form.

Currently, there is no movie in my mind even if I squeeze my brain to come up with any. Hehehe! But do I have ideal imaginations? Yes, a lot! Is it something that people would like to read? Maybe, I doubt though (forgive my pessimism). But as of now that’s how I understand how stories and fiction novels are written.

A poet named Robert

Inspired by Robert's book.

Through the means of online chat I met Robert – a talented published poet. Recently, he shared a part of his writing craft and I feel honored by his kind gesture. Try seeing the world through his poems, and you will see a genuine expression. Something uplifted from the soul destined to move man. I’m not going to put excerpts but my reactions here can present on how I grasp it as a reader.

In Robert’s writings, it showed the true struggle and life of a writer. Unless perhaps the high-grade professional pen scribblers who produce columns and articles with excellent diction and vocabulary with ease, there are writers who don't weave words these fast and compose this way. It is not some magic wand or computer generated software which can instantly create publishable works. Writers get blocked too often and inspiration comes from time and experience. Then when you read their works, you see through the words that beyond it is a life, is a deep expression, a turmoil of feelings. I believe that’s what makes Robert’s poems truly artistic. He did not just sit and jot down what came to mind. No. He lived the day, contemplated on his path, stirred his soul, challenged his weakness, and saw beauty in unexpected places and circumstances.

There are two poems that stood above the rest which touched me – What Matters Most, and What We Need. The first mentioned is strong enough to be a daily mantra. Not only is it written beautifully, it also gives you that boost for self-confidence. It is the kind of poem you would frame and read everyday to feel good about yourself. There are two lines in What We Need that make me like it, it gives self-acknowledgement. This is not something people say due to pride, but in the poem when they read it, they can say it to themselves. It’s about knowing what you need more than the practical things of daily life.

Robert… continue to inspire us.

Small yet powerful

Inspired by the article of Catherine Cunningham.

I was reading this article and found it different from most simply because of a huge impact caused by a tiny creature – a mouse. It’s odd because the puny animal hardly ever knew that his existence amounted to such a commotion. Though small as he is, he becomes news to read.

Catherine shared a planned weekend with her father and his beau Judy. What was supposed to be family-filled time spent turned out a mouse-trap chase – literally. From noticing unusual dog behavior, to setting a trap which unfortunately failed (even having peanut butter land on a kid’s ankle), until one unexpected evening all it needed was a bowl and perfect timing. I begin to think that it wasn’t the catch that gave all the fun to it, but the adventure of the chase. It also became quality family time for working as a team for the trap. The little crawler was big fuzz enough to land in a newspaper article. He barely had an idea that some story and news was done due to his existence, he simply continued on living.

Through this reading we see how control is important to humans. There was a big difference when the mouse (as Catherine stated) looked harmless in a pet store walled glass, and when the mouse was lose and we did not know its whereabouts. Once it was hidden and unseen, we become like witless warriors trying to outsmart an enemy who hardly knew he’s into battle.

Amazing how something so small can make something so big. Strangely, this story gave me some kind of hope as a beginner. If that tiny mouse can do it, then there is a huge possibility I can do it too… and even better.

Paperbacks over Kindle

Inspired by the article of David Ulin.

Due to low finances, I cannot afford to be as tech-savvy as most are these days. Latest or current models of ipods and mobile phones are not stuff I possess. All I have is laptop, and I got it as a holiday present. I’m doing the most of what I can from it, and having strong hopes it can be a tool to earn someday.

This article taught me that there is such a thing called Kindle (a white flat e-book hardware) and it is on the mainstream market. For someone like me who enjoys reading- this can come handy. However, it maybe my old-fashion nature to still prefer the paperbacks. Not only is Kindle a can’t-afford, it can also be a not-so-like material.

Why the classic old binds? Yes, they may be bulky but they are simply open and read. No recharges, no e-stuff complexities, no heavy on the wallets, no stress and tension if it gets lost, and (just like what David pointed out) no unwanted deletes. It may be slim and handy, but as of now it’s expensive and impractical for a consumer like me.

Clearly, as again explained in the article, the idea is for profit and gain. It gives the reader more choices for comfort. Though it still boils down to books and reading being a channel for self-improvement, and David is right that no commercial should manipulate.

With the paperbacks, we get what we pay for; entertainment and knowledge. So tech can get more techie if they want. Do I feel left out and old fashioned with the changes? Not as much. I still get entertained and learn, and that’s the most important part.

The not-needs to be out

Inspired by the article of Tony Hicks.

De-cluttering my stuff is a tough challenge. This is a MUST I have to do these days which I haven’t done for numerous lame reasons. I am one of those people strongly attached to simple valuables which end up in bulks eventually.

There will be a huge transition in my life soon (sex change… hehehe…jk) and for me to get there I have to fix here. As someone who has difficulty letting go of things, these are some reasons why I tidy up. I write this not just to share, but to motivate myself to move.

To breathe. It’s nice to see space and inhale. To see there is more room (to fill again… hahaha). It gives that refreshing aura.

For health. If you are like me who is forever in self-search, part of finding myself is to take out the not-needs. On every single thing I hold when I fix that becomes a question “do I NEED this?” This is like bargaining with your conscience because of the attachment. Hehehe!

To give and move on. You know that the smile with whom you give it to is priceless. I confess and admit this is also not easy to do, especially if the thing is truly special for me. I make the level of worth as equal as possible. But I also see it as a rite of passage. I cannot take the next step unless I clear and finish where I am now. Part of growing and living healthy is cleansing, and that means to let go of things I do not need.

Just imagine those struck by tragedy who are FORCED to move on; like fire and hurricane victims. My heart goes out for them. Their homes, EVERYTHING they valued all gone. As I reflect I begin to appreciate having this privilege to sort my treasures.

It’s my time to unclog my stuff and continue my life.

My thoughts on - Selfishness

Inspired by dyhowel's blog.

When it is positive.

I strongly relate this to self-love. I’m a believer that more often selflessness is unhealthy. We are not some God nor higher being to constantly have the energy to contribute good things to mankind. At some time recharge is needed to be able to continue to share. In fact, the more we love ourselves (oftentimes by being selfish), the more we get energy to spread the love we have in us.

The right timing to be essentially selfish is when being nice or being generous or being loving gets to be a chore than a willing act. Suddenly helping a friend or family gets us cranky or gives us resentments which are destructive. We lose our strength and we need to focus on ourselves again during these times.

An afternoon or evening of time alone to breathe and reflect, pamper or spoil yourself can make a lot of difference. A relaxing night dipped in a tub, or marathoning a series you enjoy, or an afternoon watching the sunset on a cliff with an amazing view of the beach or ocean, etc… Be firm on unplugging yourself from all the ties, the responsibilities, the invitations, the calls – be selfish. You’ll be revived, refreshed, and ready to go back to the world after that.

I think these are the reasons for retreats, vacations, cruises, spas, hotels, etc… They are ways to be selfish, to tell the world “this is for me.” It’s time to recharge.

When it is negative.

When it gets too much. Society casts us that stone when we lack balance. When we get too selfish, more often we get greedy, and this is always very much linked to money and wealth. Given that life is never fair, but it’s still reasonable to say excessive selfishness equates to you always having more, and others having less and thus this is wrong.

A glass may need refilling, but it does get full. A battery may need recharging, but it gets full charged. Our body may need rest, but it does get re-energized. Just as we see our limitations that we need a break from time to time, we are also aware that our selfishness can only go to a certain extent. If we go beyond this, nothing gets better, it only gets worse.

Balanced selfishness is good food for the soul.

Laugh with me: The Strangest Wal Mart Customer

Oh I need some laughs... The lines in bold are the ones that did for me... Hehehe!

Dear Mrs. Denner,

Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behaviour and may be forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against Mr. Denner are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras.

June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they weren't looking.

July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in House-wares to go off at 5-minute intervals
- omg! every 5 minutes... hahaha!

July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.

July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, "Code 3 in House-wares. Get on it right away."

August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&M's on layaway.

September 14: Moved a "CAUTION - WET FLOOR" sign to a carpeted area.
- well literally it's still a wet floor... hehehe!

September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department.

September 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"

October 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.
- ugh... this is gross!

November 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
- hahaha!... I wish I could do that... nice move... hahaha!

December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.
- this is a good dare to do with friends... hahaha!.... I would really laugh on the spot when I see someone do this while I'm at Wal Mart.

December 6: In the auto department, he practiced his "Madonna look" by using different sizes of funnels.

December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled "PICK ME! PICK ME!"
- this sounds corny for me.

December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fatal position and screamed "OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!"

December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, and then yelled very loudly, "Hey! There's no toilet paper in here!"
- hahaha!... what if the booth started to smell?... I'd like to see how the staff would react.

Once again we cannot tolerate this behaviour in our store.

Regards, Wal-Mart (Thanks Bradley)

The pen keeps scribbling

This is truly what I feel at the moment.

Today, I got some upliftment from my dear sweet sister and some nice people who gave kind words (like Crash here in blogspot). Thank you thank you for the support! So from that unpleasant state of emotion, I got that spark of excitement again and continued my online adventure.

So I surfed and surfed, searched and searched, then landed on a site that actually made me feel worse. The writing was excellently expressed (vocabulary and composition), it seriously tore the very little esteem I had to go on. Oh this is terrible! I was feeling so bad that I started laughing at how this is driving me nuts. Hehehe!

But I don’t want to stop. I can’t afford to, especially if I have plans on making this a career. Adding variety and changes in my writings is a bright suggestion I got so I can improve on this craft. It’s a bit of an edge that I enjoy reading and I’m willing to learn.

So… still with the fingers crossed… I’ll let my pen continue scribbling.


Dear Crash,

Thank you for the comments on my blog. I don't know how you found me, but I can't find a way to track you back. So I'm taking this chance that you drop by my blog again and get to read this and see how much I appreciate your support and attention. I hope in some way you can send me a message and I can have a channel to respond back.

Thanks!... :)


A Down Day

On any field anyone is into in this world, there is that certain spark of expertise that comes naturally for them. A musician would know much more about songs than a simple listener, a cook would know more about cooking than a regular diner, a teacher would know more about the academics than a current graduate. There is a natural “must know” for each identity or role for everyone. Not only is this seen in the professional world, but so in personal interests such as hobbies. A tv series regular viewer would be familiar with the episode, a singer fan would know the album and single, an author aficionado would follow the book releases and its plots.

My education and degree is strongly connected in the field of writing – Literature. Compositions of poems, stories, articles and essays should be somehow easy for me to do. These days however, I have been challenging my ability to write and I have been failing and it had been sinking my esteem. It raised questions about my skills and aptitude as a person. Why can’t I do it? How come I am willing and it can’t happen? This is not supposed to be as difficult as it may seem, but I still get nothing! I am frustrated.

But I don’t want to wallow on self-pity. My willingness to make it is still there. I just want to share and use this as therapy, it might make me feel better.

Writer’s block… it effin sucks!

Reflecting on Simplicity

Today, I find myself a bit restless of the pace where my life is leading. I could not find contentment that whatever I’m doing now could truly be the right path for a future that I see. I ask myself, “am I on the right track?” It took several hours of surfing before I got an answer – I realized my tools as of now are limited so I’ll just settle for what’s there. I’ll just make the most of what I’m doing right now.

Far from that first paragraph, one of the blogs I commented on today talked about simplicity. It’s nice to reflect (once in a while) on simple things that give us joy. It makes us grounded and not be swayed by the complex wave of modern technology. They can be beneficial but they can also widen gaps.

The profession of my brother in-law greatly revolves around this hi-tech world we have. His bread and butter comes from his labor clicking and punching keys. From sun-up to starry nights he faces the monitor. But, at the end of his day, he would spend like an hour or two watching his fishes in his small aquarium. He unplugs himself from the techie world. Isn’t it amusing?

What is something simple that makes you happy? Kindly share, thanks!

Two Lovely Seniors

Today, I was in line for a cab service and there was an old couple who fascinated me. I was actually having a day of unpleasant circumstances; didn’t have enough sleep, had to go somewhere I didn’t want to, I ran short on cash… But when you’re highly hyped or motivated on something (as I am now), not even unwanted events can ruin your mood.

So, back to the seniors, they looked lovely! The woman was standing beside me and beside her was her husband. They quietly waited for a cab, peeking to the left as each car passed by. They would say a word or two to bide the time, like when a driver gets picky with his passengers. What amused me is how they seem to be free and independent. They were travelling by themselves and enjoying on their own. I don’t know why, but they made me feel good. I doubt if they knew that in a short amount of time their presence could have an impact on someone like me. I wasn’t curious on what they did in the mall or where they were going, I simply enjoyed watching them and waiting with them for the cab to arrive.

There’s really something magical about babies and seniors right? They give us that refreshing aura that’s a bit magnetic (what a word! Hahaha!) Have you had an experience similar this? Do share. Thanks!

Reading and reacting.

Today, I started getting glued to reading blog posts and commenting on some. As I explored different sites, I realized:

1. Not all blogs have the style as I was accustomed to. I’ve gotten used to the ease of access to read other posts of fellow writers of the same host site. It actually became challenging at first, but I was able to find a way. However, it would be nice if the hosts could channel their members to groups so it’s easier to find fellow bloggers of same interests and turning strangers to friends.

2. As writing became a challenge for me to fill the pages, it’s nice to find out that my short posts could actually be a good thing. People love to share a lot about themselves that some blogs get to be long and exhausting to read.

3. Giving reactions sometimes is better than adding a post. Especially at times (like this) when I have not much to talk about and say, reading or listening becomes easier. Not only do you get to know more about certain personalities of humanity, the blogger appreciates someone noticing his/her writing efforts.

Do you sometimes get into that reading mood? I’m enjoying what I’m doing right now. :)

I'm in!

Today, I finally joined the blogspot community. I belonged to others before, I wonder what hindered me. Perhaps I wanted to be unique in certain ways. I didn’t want to squeeze my spot where most were at, it’s like pushing your way in a long line of users. Well now, giving it a try might do good after all.

I was actually half-decided until I saw this template. It became 50% of the reason. Nice huh? The kind of setting I’m accustomed to; it generates ideas and helps me convey my thoughts clearly. I’ll try to post as much as I could.

Anyway, how did your day go? Mine was nice! Something I needed after such a low time (oh don’t ask). It was an enlightening day actually, the kind when you get all hyped about an idea and your mind keeps on going. That gives a natural high yeah? You feel good about yourself.

In the meantime, I’d like to explore the community first, doing some reading and comments. I find it fun, it’s like having a good conversation. So for now… all I can say is… I’m in!