Thoughts and words of a dreamer, and an aspiring online writer.

Fresh Air Spray

Based on the article of WayOdd News.

When it comes to rented or owned apartments, I support the right for silence and clean surroundings. It is not a place for loud jams and it is also not a place for excessive smoking. Part of living in place near people is respect for their space and way of living as well. The hallway or lobby becomes a common ground. So again, a certain amount of consideration is observed.

So based on what happened in the article, the woman who sprayed the air-freshener made a point. Her violation, in this case, provides reason for her action. I’m not saying she is right for what she did, but her misdeed made sense.

I would like to know how environmentalists handle stories like these. Hilarious as they may be, there was still something in the event that harmed nature. It’s also a matter of the law because on both sides, there was violation of human rights.

Though if I were in the hallway witnessing what happened, it would take a lot of time before I could stop laughing. Oh how odd people could be! Hehehe!