Thoughts and words of a dreamer, and an aspiring online writer.

Loud Conversations

Inspired by the article of Robert M. Thorson.

Loud cellphone conversations and loud live conversations are both annoying. Even if there are more people who talk via cellphones it is still annoying. I agree. People should be more considerate of others nearby when they broadcast their lives. Or when they do, they should not be offended if others would comment or react on their actions.

It’s a matter of class and decorum, loud-mouths are more often known of less panache. The more discreet you are, the more mysterious you become. The less you reveal about things about you, the more guarded you are of reputation.

Though it’s still about blending well with others around you. Out in public the space is shared and respect towards others is expected. You have more freedom when you’re in your room where you have more privacy. Just imagine in a bus alone, each passenger would have their own thoughts then you start talking loud. You’ve been on both sides so you know how bothersome it could be.

Yes, it’s a free world. You’re not told not to talk at all. You can, but be modest when you speak. Though cellphone lines were never known to be clear when you’re outside. All the more it may be useless to talk in public unless it is truly important. If it’s not necessary, then it’s best to have your chit-chats privately.

If you insist on talking loudly, then be ready if someone butts in and meddles with you. Lucky if the interruption is for friendly purposes. But negative reactions could also be expected.

Talk with style… the quiet way.


Tom said...

Completely agree.

Tom said...

Completely agree.